@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010245, author = {李, 春喜}, journal = {関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {One of the reasons why Japanese people are poor at speaking English is that they are unaware of the difference between the two ways of breathing: abdominal breathing and costal breathing. When each Japanese letter is pronounced, it almost always comes with a vowel sound in which case the vocal chords vibrate. On the other hand, when the English language is pronounced, a lot of consonant sounds are used on their own, i.e. they do not come with vowel sounds in which case the vocal chords do not vibrate. Because Japanese people vibrate their vocal chords when they speak their own language, abdominal breathing is not necessarily used; in other words, when Japanese people speak Japanese, their speaking does not require them to inhale a lot of air and store it inside their abdomen or exhale the air without vibrating their vocal chords. However, since native speakers of English use a lot of consonant sounds, they frequently use abdominal breathing, which requires them to store a lot of air inside their abdomen and exhale it with a gust of air without vibrating their vocal chords. Consequently, while reading English aloud, Japanese people inhale and exhale air more frequently than the native speakers of English because the former do not frequently use abdominal breathing to utter sounds; instead, they vibrate their vocal chords. This difference in the ways of breathing makes it difficult for Japanese people to utter English sounds. Since Japanese people also use abdominal breathing while doing physical exercise, singing a song, performing a play on the stage, etc., singing English songs in English is a good way for Japanese people to learn how native speakers of English breathe, which leads to good pronunciation of English language for Japanese people., 資料}, pages = {61--75}, title = {初めての英語発音指導 -英語の歌を歌おう-}, volume = {16}, year = {2017} }