@article{oai:kansai-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010047, author = {Shimamura, Toyoko and 島村, 東世子 and Takeuchi, Osamu and 竹内, 理}, journal = {JACET Bulletin = 大学英語教育学会紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {To facilitate effective international scientific communication, scientists need to master skills and knowledge on how to conduct academic presentations, especially in English. However, this becomes a greater challenge for the scientist whose native language is not English. In order to assist scientists in delivering effective presentations, the use of appropriate genrespecific language and sentence structures needs to be established. The objective of this study is to investigate what is an appropriate style for English academic presentations from the perspective of intelligibility for the audience. A total of 76 Japanese scientists working for a prestigious scientific institute were asked to listen to two presentations in English, and to evaluate the level of intelligibility by using a four-point Likert scale. The two presentations had the same topic, but were different in style: one had more features of spoken English, while the other used diction more like research articles written in English. A total of 76 sets of data were collected and statistically analyzed. The results indicated that an "open style" of presentation had a higher level of intelligibility.}, pages = {51--70}, title = {What is an Appropriate Style for Academic Presentations by Scientists?}, volume = {52}, year = {2011} }